Glove Case

Glove Case

created_at : 2016-11-28 00:00:00

Introduction :

The Glove Case is CS:GO’s ultimate flex machine. Introduced in 2016, it was the first case to let players dress their virtual hands in designer gear—because why stop at weapon skins when your mittens can scream “I have terrible financial priorities”? Inside, you’ll find gloves ranging from flashy neon racing stripes to edgy skull patterns. The real kicker? The odds of unboxing a high-tier pair like Crimson Kimono or Pandora’s Box are roughly equivalent to winning a fistfight against a RNG algorithm. Yet here we are, spinning the wheel, hoping our $2.50 key magically turns into digital couture. Pro tip: These gloves won’t keep your hands warm IRL. Priorities, people.

Skins in Glove Case - extraordinary
Skins in Glove Case - covert
Skins in Glove Case - classified
Skins in Glove Case - restricted
Skins in Glove Case - mil_spec
Skins in Glove Case - normal
Glove Case

Glove Case

BUFF Price: $0