Desert Eagle | Directive (Minimal Wear)

Desert Eagle | Directive (Minimal Wear)

type : Pistol

rarity : Restricted

quality : Normal

steam price : $2.25

buff price : $1.51

price change : +2.25%

The Desert Eagle | Directive (Minimal Wear) is like that loud, overconfident friend who somehow always ends up saving your round. Cloaked in a sleek digital camo pattern with bold red accents, this skin screams “tactical edge” while secretly judging your aim. The Minimal Wear version keeps its scratches subtle enough to pretend it’s still pristine after 500 missed shots. Classic Deagle vibes: punishing recoil, ego-boosting one-taps, and the inevitable humiliation when you whiff a point-blank shot. The Directive’s aesthetic? Think “I watch too many spec-ops documentaries.” It’s the gun you flex when you want enemies to know you’re either a god or a gambler—no in-between.
Price Trend

steam avg price steam turnover BUFF price BUFF sell num STEAM sell price STEAM sell num day price change week price change month price change
$2.16 48 $1.51 260 $2.25 179 2.25% 0.93% 10.10%