London 2018 Train Souvenir Package

London 2018 Train Souvenir Package

created_at : 2018-09-05 00:00:00

Introduction :

Ah, the *London 2018 Train Souvenir Package*—a relic from the FACEIT Major where pros battled while the rest of us argued about cobblestone drop rates. This package drops Train collection skins stamped with a snazzy London 2018 gold sticker, perfect for flexing that you watched a major while eating cereal in your pajamas. The skins? Classic Train vibes: industrial greys, rusty reds, and enough battle-worn textures to make you question if Valve ever cleans their virtual trains. The real charm? Nostalgia for a time when "B site rush" didn’t end in a 360 noscope tragedy. Unbox it for the sticker, keep it sealed to pretend you’re a collector.

Skins in London 2018 Train Souvenir Package - restricted
Skins in London 2018 Train Souvenir Package - mil_spec
Skins in London 2018 Train Souvenir Package - industrial
Skins in London 2018 Train Souvenir Package - normal