AK-47 | Fuel Injector (Well-Worn)

AK-47 | Fuel Injector (Well-Worn)

type : Rifle

rarity : Covert

quality : Normal

steam price : $214.37

buff price : $156.04

price change : -0.84%

The AK-47 | Fuel Injector (Well-Worn) is like that beat-up muscle car your uncle swears “still has life in her.” Its once-vibrant graffiti and oil-stained metal finish now look like they’ve survived a demolition derby, with scratches and scuffs telling tales of countless rushed B-site holds. The grime almost adds character—if “character” means pretending you didn’t lose a 1v4 because you were too busy admiring the burnt orange accents peeling off the receiver. It’s the perfect skin for players who want their weapon to scream, “I’ve seen things,” while secretly hoping no one notices the missing paint. Battle-hardened? More like *barely holding on*.
Price Trend

steam avg price steam turnover BUFF price BUFF sell num STEAM sell price STEAM sell num day price change week price change month price change
$195.79 2 $156.04 129 $214.37 5 -0.84% 0.45% 6.10%