XM1014 | Incinegator (Minimal Wear)

XM1014 | Incinegator (Minimal Wear)

type : Shotgun

rarity : Classified

quality : Normal

steam price : $14.62

buff price : $10.41

price change : +7.11%

The XM1014 | Incinegator is the CS:GO equivalent of bringing a flamethrower to a paintball match—overkill, but *gloriously* so. This semi-auto shotgun’s design screams “apocalypse enthusiast,” with molten orange and black textures that look like someone spilled lava on a metal workshop. The Minimal Wear version? Just enough scuffs to remind you it’s seen action, but not enough to hide its “I’ll-burn-your-rush-down” swagger. Perfect for players who enjoy holding tight angles while cosplaying as a volcanic eruption. Bonus points: It pairs well with the faint smell of regret from enemies who thought pushing Banana was a good idea. Just don’t let your teammate “borrow” it—trust issues, guaranteed.
Price Trend

steam avg price steam turnover BUFF price BUFF sell num STEAM sell price STEAM sell num day price change week price change month price change
$0.00 0 $10.41 26 $14.62 13 7.11% -2.61% -9.66%