R8 Revolver | Crazy 8 (Field-Tested)

R8 Revolver | Crazy 8 (Field-Tested)

type : Pistol

rarity : Restricted

quality : Normal

steam price : $0.58

buff price : $0.46

price change : +3.45%

The R8 Revolver | Crazy 8 is the wildcard of the pistol world—like bringing a flamethrower to a knife fight. Its black-and-red geometric chaos, splattered with neon 8s, screams "I’m either a genius or a lunatic." Field-Tested wear? Just adds character, like scratches on a daredevil’s helmet. Sure, the R8’s trigger delay could let your grandma tea-bag you mid-duel, but landing that one-tap headshot feels like winning the lottery with a bullet. It’s the gun for players who think “consistency” is a dirty word. Bonus: Equip it, and your teammates will either respect your audacity or mute you instantly. True CS:GO poetry.
Price Trend

steam avg price steam turnover BUFF price BUFF sell num STEAM sell price STEAM sell num day price change week price change month price change
$0.58 399 $0.46 949 $0.58 1588 3.45% -3.51% 10.37%